

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 1 year, 4 months ago

Digital Toy Chest for Humanists


[As of Sept. 5, 2013, this version of "Toy Chest" is superseded by Alan Liu's "Digital Humanities Resources for Student Project-Building."]


"Toy Chest" collects online or downloadable software tools and thinking toys that humanities students and others without programming skills (but with basic computer and Internet literacy) can use to create interesting projects. Most of the tools gathered here are free or relatively inexpensive (exceptions: items that are expensive but can be used on a free trial basis). Also on this site are "paradigms"--books, essays, digital projects, etc.--that illustrate the kinds of humanities projects that these thinking tools/toys might help create.


A star Red Star indicates tools that combine power (advanced, multiple, or flexible features) with ease of use. The star tends to be reserved for tools capacious enough for multiple uses or add-on uses that they might also be called "platforms" (e.g., TAPoR, Many Eyes, or Google Earth).  (Other tools may be more powerful, or more easy to use, but not in combined balance.)

This site is kept by Alan Liu for his "Literature+" digital humanities courses (recent examples of course: undergraduate | graduate).  Please email your suggestions to Alan.

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